
Group 8

Most of the strategic work of branding is found at the crossroads of market understanding, hands-on facilitation of progress, defining the key strategies that unlock new growth and markets, and driving the success of new verticals or products.




Differentiation is all about precision. And a brand strategy lays the foundation for creating a unique business or product that is geared towards market leadership, customer loyalty and scalable growth.

We craft these competitive strategies based on solid analytics and data-driven insight – to drive your business or product forward, and help you gain that strategic advantage you are looking for.


Your portfolio needs to enable growth in all products and verticals. And a strategic approach to your architecture will do that for you.

We define and design these strategic relationships and convert them to long-term opportunities.

and M&A

You see your market is changing, the competition isn’t sleeping,  and your customers demand more.  You may have acquired a new business to grow faster, or to add new verticals.

Regardless of why you are looking to rebrand, it is a strategic activity to drive growth, open new markets, and integrate multiple brands into a single, powerful offering.

More on our M&A services Combined Shape

Naming &

Naming is a highly strategic exercise where all elements of branding come together -were words become the identity and the first step in turning concepts into marketable realities.

We develop names that enable your competitive position, and create unique identifiers for your business or product.



Strategic communication is the backbone of effective branding. This means carefully choosing what to say and where to say it to meet your brand’s main objectives.

We craft the strategy to make your message clear and impactful, creating a direct and understandable conversation between your brand and its audience across all channels and touchpoints.


Taking your business or concept to market requires a complete understanding of how you plan to create a lasting impact, and how you can manage your commercial strategy to create success.

Being international, and industry-agnostic, we design your go-to-market strategy to create the growth you are looking for.

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M&A: When brand matters most

M&A are brand-driven choices for continuous growth and development of an organization. When executed right, a strategic expansion can secure transformation success.

Read the story Combined Shape

The living brand identity.

Markets change, companies change, and people change – we all know that. But when should visual brand identities change? And how should you go about doing that?

Read the story Combined Shape

Evaluating the need to rebrand

Rebranding is a powerful strategic tool to reposition a firm, or manifest a new direction. This is a perspective on the do’s and dont’s, and what to consider before you inform your board.

Read the story Combined Shape