First, let us tell you a story about how we got into this business of helping great brands tell their story on a more strategic level. The one story that summarizes everything a brand stands for, what it means, why it exists, and most importantly — why it does what it does.
A while ago, at a board meeting of a large multinational corporation we were challenged that the brand strategy seemed a little bit too ambitious, too far from the current brand, and not relatable enough. Very hard words after six months of strategic branding efforts.
We addressed the challenge by developing a story — while we were in that very meeting. A story that had all the elements of the“difficult” brand strategy mixed with future ambitions, historical facts and a very emotional conclusion. We chose to deliver this very story, as a short speech in this meeting. It was raw, unfinished, based on a defensive position, but it was real, and tangible. And guess what happened, the brand strategy was approved.
Creating a core narrative is not a simple task, the copy has to adhere to a few key elements and dimensions that in return — need to be in place within the organization. Obviously, and you guessed it, we are talking about the brand strategy. The core of your DNA, the brand essence of your endeavours.
Imagine you had to chose a story that reflects on your life, motivates people to become your friends and generally creates trust and liking towards you as a human being. Add a few unique skills in the mix and certainly, you would want that narrative to be very very good. There is no difference for any brand — we all need stories we can believe in, identify ourselves with, and get motivated by. We also need them to rationalize our emotional behaviour towards a brand, may that be an employer, a partner or a product we are using.
Rebranding er et kraftig strategisk verktøy for å reposisjonere et selskap eller sette til livs en ny retning. Her kommer noen do’s og dont’s, og hva som er viktig å vurdere før du tar med beslutningen inn til styrerommet.
Les hele historienVi som mennesker lever ikke i en objektiv og faktuell verden – spesielt ikke når det kommer til våre tanker og følelser. Noen ganger kommer man over mennesker (og merkevarer) man føler en kobling med. En tiltrekning det er vanskelig å sette fingeren på – som om vi kjenner dem fra før. Hva er det som tiltrekker oss disse? Hvorfor inviterer vi dem inn i våre liv og blir lojale mot de? En av grunnene er arketyper.
Les hele historien